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( 发布日期:2018/6/8 阅读:次)

报告题目Applying Research Findings to the Food Supply Chain to make Food Safer

人(一) Patrick Wall  教授  都柏林大学


人(二) 卢婷  博士生  都柏林大学     

报告时间2018613上午 10:00




      Patrick Wall教授,现任职于都柏林大学公共卫生学院,柏林大学食品与卫生研究所成员。主要研究领域有食品安全,营养,食品信息交流和以改变行为来处理与生活方式有关的疾病。Patrick Wall教授在都柏林大学获得兽医学博士学位,在伦敦大学获得传染病理学硕士学位。Patrick Wall教授是爱尔兰食品安全管理局(FSAI)的第一任首席执行官,是欧洲食品安全局(EFSA)的管理委员会的创始成员和第二任主席。Patrick Wall教授是2008年北京奥运会食品安全咨询委员会的七名非中国公民之一,是目前新成立的中国国家食品安全风险评估中心(CFSA)国际科学咨询委员会的六个非中国人成员之一,是CFSA根据523项目聘用的能力建设专家之一IUFoST(国际食品科学与技术联盟)的成员。



      A chronology of food scares combined with a rapid, unchecked, rise in lifestyle-related diseases such as obesity highlights the need for a focus on effective food risk communication. However, food risk communication is highly complex. Many factors will affect its success, including the demeanour and conduct of the source, its transparency, interaction with the public, acknowledgement of risks and timely disclosure. How the message is developed is also important in terms of language, style and pretesting with target audiences, as is the choice of appropriate channels for reaching target audiences. Finally, there are many personal factors that may affect risk perception such as previous experience, knowledge, attitudes and beliefs, personality, psychological factors and socio-demographic factors, many of which remain unexplored. There is evidence that campaigns that communicate health risk have been associated with behaviour change in relation to major public health and safety issues in the past.


上一条: 9月13日学科建设系列报告(二) 2018/9/10
下一条: 青年科学家国际论坛 (第一轮通知) 2018/6/1
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