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( 发布日期:2017/6/2 阅读:次)

报告题目:Disassembling some complex emulsifiers and thickeners:

                Synergisms and antagonisms towards structure, functionality, texture and digesiton

主 讲 人 :Christos Ritzoulis   希腊亚里士多德大学  副教授





       Christos Ritzoulis,食品化学专业副教授,现任职于希腊亚里士多德大学食品学院食品科技系,浙江工商大学外籍特聘教授。2001年获得英国利兹大学食品科学博士学位。主要研究方向为:食品胶体,隔离/天然亲水胶体特性,乳液,液变学/食品的质构,胶体食品的咀嚼和消化,热力学胶体,油-水界面。


        Natural emulsifiers and thickeners extracted from plant sources are highly promising yet complex entities, typically comprising supermolecular complexes (e.g. polysaccharide hyperstructures, quintenary and quaternary protein structures, oil bodies), individual macromolecules, their breakdown products, and a number of other small molecules. It has become apparent that each one of these components can exert a different (positive or negative) effect to the overall efficiency of the emulsifying or thickening mixture, with consequences on the final structural, textural and bioabsorbtion characteristics of a food. This presentation will discuss recent advances (i) on the isolation of such individual components from natural emulsifiers and thickeners; (ii) on the characterization of their identity and activity; (iii) on the synergistic or antagonistic action towards emulsification and bioavailability; and (iv) on their contribution to the performance and functionality of the final products.

上一条: 6月9日学术讲座预告 2017/6/8
下一条: 第十二届乳酸菌与健康国际研讨会 2017/5/8
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