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( 发布日期:2017/9/14 阅读:次)

报告题目Milk Protein Ingredients: applications and digestion behaviours  

主 讲 人Aiqian Ye 新西兰梅西大学  副教授  




报告人简介Aiqian Ye,博士,副教授任职于Riddet Institute, Massey University, New Zealand(新西兰梅西大学Riddet研究所),长期从事牛奶脂肪球、牛奶蛋白质、多糖、脂肪酸及其形成的乳液运载体系在食品加工、胃肠道消化过程的结构与功能变化等研究工作。研究成果已在国内外核心刊物LangmuirProgress in Lipid Research等发表SCI论文90多篇,论文他引大于2800次,iindex: 31。在国内外重要学术会议做大会邀请报告20次。主编专著5部,国际专利7项。

报告摘要Milk proteins possess a wide range of inherent structures and functional properties, that contribute to textural, sensory and stability characteristics of traditional dairy products and other manufactured foods. Moreover, Milk proteins also provide excellent nutritional value for food and nutritional products through providing all the essential amino acids required for human health and containing distinctive physiological properties. The general knowledge on dairy ingredients derived from milk will be introduced in the presentation. The current applications of these dairy ingredients will be summarised briefly. The gastric digestion behaviours of some protein ingredients carried out in our lab and the implication from the work will be highlighted in this presentation as well.

上一条: 食品工业论坛会议通知(第二轮) 2017/9/29
下一条: 食品工业论坛(第一轮通知) 2017/6/23
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