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Ongoing Research Projects
( 发布日期:2017/11/2 阅读:次)

1. Flavor perception and preferences of food oral processing factors and the psychological and physical mechanism project, supported by the Ministry of Science and Technology 13th five-year-plan                                                                            

2. Noodle texture characteristics and consumer preferences analysis, supported by Pulmuone Corporate Technology Office, Korea                                                                   

3. Elderly swallowing auxiliary product analysis, supported by Nestle, China                                                             

4. Understating the sweet after-taste and/or freshness mouthfeel of tea, supported by Firmenich Aromatics (China)Co., LTD.

5. Investigation on the salivation and oral physiology among elderly Chinese and implications to eating behaviour, supported by Roquette Freses S.A., France                                                                               

上一条: Lab Introduction 2017/11/2
下一条: Completed Research Projects 2017/11/2
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