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Former Members
( 发布日期:2017/11/2 阅读:次)

Carol Mosca Ph.D. worked on the oral physiological and compositional differences among consumers from different cultural background  Now working as a postdoctoral scholar at Wageningen University & Research (acmosca@outlook.com)

Zhihong Lv M.S. worked on the rheological properties of thickeners Now working at Wanke Elderly Care in Hangzhou (jessesust@hotmail.com)

Gangying Zheng M.S. worked on the consumer preferences of different cultural background Now working at Jiuyang Ltd. in Hangzhou (ying92@outlook.com)

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蔡慧芳 (Cai Huifang)

IntroductionMaster, worked on the “oral” tribological application on food texture and sensory perception. Now has been awarded a scholarship from CHINA SCHOLARSHIP COUNCIL to pursue a Ph.D. degree at Wageningen University & Research

Tel+86 18768162931


Main Research Interest & Experience

1.Worked on the tribological study on the oral hygienic products, supported by Procter & Gamble, China;

2. Worked on the component analysis methodology establishment in saliva.

3. 2015    Scholarship for Short Stay program in Kagawa University, Japan.

4. 2016   Internship at the National Agricultural Products Processing Research Institute.

5. 2017   Research & Development position at HONGSHENG GROUP (Hangzhou).

上一条: Master Students 2017/11/2
下一条: Visiting Scholars 2017/11/2
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