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( 发布日期:2017/11/19 阅读:次)

报告题目:Introduction presentation about Tel Hai College
主 讲 人(一): Ofir Benjamin  
报告题目:Extraction and functional properties of proteins from edible insects: grasshopper (Schistocerca gregaria) and honeybee (Apis mellifera)
主 讲 人(二): Maryia Mishyna       
报告时间:2017年11月20日 14:00

   Ofir Benjamin博士, 现就职于以色列Tel Hai学院食品科学系。他的研究方向为食品感官和食品结构。Ofir博士在新西兰的奥塔哥大学(Otago University)获得了博士学位。Ofir博士目前担任乳品科学、食品感官评估、产品开发和先进食品技术等课程。Ofir博士积极推动建立在以色列北部第一个国家食品和营养创新研究所,在他看来,该研究所将成为行业和学校之间的桥梁平台,为以色列的食品技术创新技术创造一个新的中心。

The consumption of insects for food an feed was widely spread out in many African and Asian countries for centuries, but the development of the scientific base for insect production and consumption began comparatively recently. Entomophagy has been recognized as a forward-looking direction for solving the problem of nutrition in countries with growing population and low income, and also as a substitute for traditional sources of proteins.

The aim of this project is to study edible insects, grasshopper (Schistocerca gregaria) and honeybee (Apis mellifera), as an alternative protein sources and as functional ingredients in human food and animal feed products. In our research the specific nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor for grasshopper (adult) and honeybee (larvae and pupae) was determined using amino acid composition data and an accurate protein content was calculated. Тhe protein-rich powder from grasshopper and honeybee was isolated by optimizing the conditioning parameters (pH-value, centrifugation speed and sonication). Insect protein characteristics were determined and functional properties (foaming, emulsifying, gelling) were evaluated for raw and protein–rich powder from grasshopper and honeybee. Enzyme assisted protein extraction was conducted to improve protein yield and to obtain protein-rich powder.

上一条: 11月29日“五洲讲坛”系列讲座预告(一) 2017/11/23
下一条: 11月6日“五洲讲坛”系列讲座预告 2017/11/1
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