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( 发布日期:2017/11/23 阅读:次)

报告题目:Processed foods and nutrition

 Jamuna Prakash   迈索尔大学食品科学和营养系   教授




报告人简介:Jamuna Prakash博士是印度迈索尔大学食品科学和营养系教授,至今已经有38年的教学和研究经验。在迈索尔大学她的学术生涯中获得了很多奖项和荣誉。她一直致力于学术研究,发表了190多篇研究和评论性文章。Jamuna Prakash博士6个刊物的编辑委员会里担任委员。她的研究领域有:食品科学、食品的营养成分分析、产品配方、感官评价、营养的消化吸收、食品的生物利用度等。


报告摘要:The diet health has gradually been valued by people. The food contains a wide variety of nutrients. We obtain the necessary nutrition through a wide range of nutrients to maintain life and health. The relationship between food processing and nutrition had drawn increasing public concern from The 14th International Conference on Nutrition, held in Seoul. Subsequently, the processed foods and nutrition received more and more attention from practitioners. Nowadays, processed foods have moved in the direction of nutrition, organic foods, convenience and functional foods, and functional foods will become the mainstream in the future. As the proportion of processed foods in people's daily diet increases year by year, how to preserve and enhance the nutritional value of foods has become an important issue for the moment.

上一条: 11月30日学术讲座预告 2017/11/28
下一条: 11月29日“五洲讲坛”系列讲座预告(一) 2017/11/23
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