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( 发布日期:2023/5/6 阅读:次)

报告题目:Interactions between milk protein and pepsin, protein coagulation and nutrient digestion乳蛋白与胃蛋白酶的相互作用、蛋白凝结物与营养物质消化

人:Prof. Aiqian Ye新西兰梅西大学Riddet研究所

报告时间:2023511 (周四)14:30




Prof. Ye’s research focused on physicochemical characteristics of milk components, interactions during processing, and functionality in food systems. His research experiences were to understand the relationships between structure, functional properties of proteins and fat in dairy products, to investigate the interactions of minerals (calcium and iron) with milk proteins and fortification of minerals in dairy products. His research also incorporated the characterisation of interactions between milk proteins and polysaccharides in solutions and emulsions. Professor Ye has broadened his research to investigate the behaviour of food structure during digestion and the influences of the structure and physical properties of food on the digestion and absorption in the body. Professor Ye is the Associate Editor of Current Research in Food Science and the Editorial board members of Food Hydrocolloids and International Dairy Science journals. Professor Ye has published over 180 peer-reviewed articles in international journals. He is the author of 10 PCT patents. 


Aiqian Ye教授任职于新西兰梅西大学Riddet研究所,长期从事牛奶成分的物理和化学特征、加工过程中的相互作用以及食品功能特性。他的研究主要是围绕乳制品中蛋白质和脂肪的结构、功能特性之间的关系开展,同时关注矿物质(钙和铁)与乳蛋白的相互作用以及乳制品中矿物质的强化。他的研究还包括了牛奶蛋白和多糖在溶液和乳液中相互作用。另外,叶教授在食物消化过程的结构行为,以及食物的结构和物理性质对体内消化和吸收的影响也有大量研究。叶教授是Current Research in Food Science的副主编、Food Hydrocolloids International Dairy Science journal杂志的编委,他在国际期刊上发表了180多篇经过同行评审的文章,也是10PCT专利的作者。



Not only the structure of food before ingestion but also the structure that is formed during digestion play an important role in food digestion. The coagulation or aggregation of milk proteins under gastric conditions to form a structured clot or curd is a unique interaction between the food source and physiological secretion and action. The interaction can take place in various types of dairy products, such as infant formulae, solid cheeses and emulsion-type beverages, all of which contain milk proteins, resulting in a variety of colloidal phenomena under gastric digestion, i.e. aggregation, flocculation/creaming, gelation and clotting. The protein composition, processing treatments and the presence of other food components influence the formation, the structure and the composition of the curd/clot or coagulum. These colloidal stabilizations or destabilizations in the stomach have an impact on the digestion of proteins, lipids and other nutrients, through controlling the kinetics of protein hydrolysis and disintegration of the formed structure. This presentation introduces our recent study on the dynamic in vitro and in vivo digestion of proteins and fat from milk and dairy products with different treatments and different milk resources. The effect of pH, temperature and protein composition on the interactions between gastric enzymes and proteins and the coagulation protein were revealed by the kinetical modelling. The study highlights how various milk matrices can govern the fate of health promoting compounds during digestion. The knowledge could be applied to manipulate the macronutrient delivery and digestion of food products.





上一条: 浙江-英国食品感官科学联合实验室国际学术报告会(第二轮) 2023/5/6
下一条: 浙江-英国食品感官科学联合实验室国际学术报告会 2023/4/25
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