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Christos Ritzoulis
( 发布日期:2020/11/25 阅读:次)

Professional experience:

2017-Today  Professor of of Food Chemistry, Department of Food Technology, ATEI of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. Teaching modules on Food Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Foods, & Good Laboratory Practice (postgraduate module).

2013-2017  Associate Professor of Food Chemistry, Department of Food Technology, ATEI of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. Teaching modules on Food Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Foods, & Good Laboratory Practice (postgraduate module).

2008-2013  Senior Lecturer in Food Chemistry, Department of Food Technology, ATEI of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. Taught modules on Food Chemistry, Physical Chemistry of Foods, Food Analysis, & Good Laboratory Practice (postgraduate module). Discipline Head in Applied Food Technology Modules.

2004-2008  Chemist/Analyst, General State Chemical Laboratories, Greece. Duties included the analysis of food, water, drugs/narcotics, fertilizers, and a wide range of commodity materials, in environments accredited under ISO 17025:2005.

2004-2008  Adjunct Professor, Department of Food Technology, ATEI of Thessaloniki. Teaching the modules “Food Chemistry”, “Food Analysis I”, “Food Analysis II (Instrumental Analysis)”.

2003-2004  Post-Doctoral Researcher, Department of Chemical Engineering, on the utilization of milk proteins as starting materials for the preparation of microporous bone substitutes.

2001-2003  Sergeant/Chemist, Hellenic Air Force, assigned in a number of Air Force chemical laboratories.

Distinctions-Honorary assignments:

2016-2020  Distinguished Expert & Visiting Professor, School of Food Science and Biotechnology, Zhejiang Gongshang University, China (Linked to the Oral Processing Group)

2014-today  Trainer of the Hellenic Food Authorities (under the Hellenic Food Control Authority-EFET).


2001  PhD in Food Science, ''Stability and rheology of emulsions containing caseinate and surfactants'', under Prof. E. Dickinson, Procter Department of Food Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom. Marie Curie Research Grant Holder (FAIR-CT98-5013).

1997  MSc in Food Science, Procter Department of Food Science, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom.

1996  Degree in Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Other information/titles:

- Certified Instructor for the staff of Food Industries (Greek Food Control Council, EFET).

- Certified Instructor for the staff of Food Control Authorities and for the Food Safety Trainers (Greek Food Control Council, EFET).

- Certified Lead Auditor for ISO 22000:2008. Certified Lead Auditor for ISO 9001:2015.

- Completed training on the inspection of analytical laboratories under ISO 17025:2005. Fluent in Greek, English, and French.

- Marie Curie Fellow, member of the MCFA

- Member of the General Assembly of the Greek Chemists Association. Permission granted by the Greek State to teach English as a foreign language

Reviewer for scientific Journals:

- Reviewer for over 20 scientific journals

Member of scientific Journals' Editorial Board:

- Food Biophysics

Member of Conference Scientific Committees:

- iCBEB 2013 (International Conference on Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology), Wuhan, China.

- iCBEB 2014 (International Conference on Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology), Beijing, China.

- 2nd FABE Conference, 28–31 May 2015, Mykonos, Greece.

- iCBEB 2015 (International Conference on Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology), Shanghai, China.

- 5th Symposium of the Hellenic Lipids Forum, 11–15 June 2015, Athens, Greece.

- Pan-Hellenic Chemistry Symposium, member of the Organizing Committee, Thessaloniki, November 2016, Greece.

Administrative duties:

- Discipline Head in Applied Food Technology Modules, Department of Food Technology, ATEI of Thessaloniki (2009–2010; 2011–2012).

- Member of the MSc Steering Committee, Department of Food Technology, ATEI Thessaloniki (2009–today).

- Consolidated/streamlined the undergraduate syllabus regarding the Modules of General Chemistry, Physical Chemistry, Food Chemistry, Biochemistry, Food Analysis, Instrumental Food Analysis and the relevant laboratory exercises at the Department of Food Technology, ATEI Thessaloniki (2009–2010).

- Actively involved in setting up the MSc Course in Quality Assurance and Process Optimization in the Food Industry, Department of Food Technology, ATEI Thessaloniki (2009).

- Formal departmental liaison with the food industry - Supervisor of the students’ industrial placements.

- Member of the Central Institutional Committee on External Collaborations, which manages the Institute’s ties with the Industry and with the Private Sector


1. Ritzoulis C. : Introduction to the Physical Chemistry of Foods (2013) CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (ISBN 9781466511750)

2. Ritzoulis C. : Physical Chemistry of Foods (in Greek) (2011) Tziolas Publishers, Thessaloniki (ISBN 9789604183128)

Book Chapters:

1. Ritzoulis C.*, Karayannakidis, P.D. Proteins as texture Modifiers (Chapter 3) in Chen J., Rosenthal A. (Ed.) Modifying Food Texture vol. 1, Woodhead Publishing ISBN: 978-1-78242-333-1 (2015)

2. Alba K., Kontogiorgos V.*, Georgiadis N., Ritzoulis C. Okra extracts as emulsifiers for acidic emulsions, in Williams P. & Philips G. (Ed) Gums and Stabilisers for the Food Industry 17. The Changing Face of Food Manufacture: The Role of Hydrocolloids, 238–244 The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2014)

3. Ritzoulis C. Moussaka as an Introduction to Food Chemistry, C. Ritzoulis (Chapter 7) in Vega Morales C., Ubbink J., and van der Linden E. The Kitchen as Laboratory: Reflections on the Science of Food and Cooking, Columbia University Press, ISBN: 978-0-231-15344-7 (2011)

4. Gohtani S., Ritzoulis C., and Dickinson E.* Effect of Surfactants on Rheological Properties of Acid-Induced Sodium Caseinate Emulsion Gels; Food Colloids, Biopolymers and Materials (Dickinson E. and van Vliet T., ed.) Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge (2003)

Publications in peer-reviewed journals (* for the corresponding author):

1. Avgidou   M.,   Dimopoulou   M.,   Mackie   A.R.,   Rigby   N.M.,   Ritzoulis   C.,   Panayiotou   C.* Physicochemical aspects of mucosa surface. RSC Advances, 6, 102634–102646 (2016)

2. Drakos A., Kyriakakis G., Evangeliou V., Protonotariou S., Mandala I.*, Ritzoulis C..  Influence of jet milling and particle size on the composition, physicochemical and mechanical properties of barley and rye flours. Food Chemistry, 15, 326 – 332 (2017)

3. Ritzoulis  C.*  Mucilage formation in  food:  A  review on  the example of  okra.  International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 52, 59 – 67 (2017)

4. Tsatsaragkou  K.,  Kara  T.,  Ritzoulis  C.,  Mandala  I.,  Rosell  C.M.*  Improving  carob  flour performance for making gluten-free breads by particle size fractionation and jet milling. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 10, 831–841 (2017)

5. Lousinian S., Dimopoulou M., Panayiotou C., Ritzoulis C.* Self-assembly of a food hydrocolloid: The case of okra mucilage. Food Hydrocolloids, 66, 190–198 (2017)

6. Kontogiannidou E., Demertzidou V.P., Andreadis D.A., Demiri E., Ritzoulis C., Zografos A.L., Fatouros D.* Evaluation of sesquiterpenes as permeation enhancers for a model macromolecule across human skin in vitro. Journal of Drug Delivery science and Technology, 41, 384 – 389 (2017)

7. Lykopoulou V., Karageorgiou V.,Vasiliadou C., Ritzoulis C.* Local dynamics during the mixing of saliva with a model colloidal food. Food Biophysics, 12, 433–438 (2017)

8. Yuan B., Ritzoulis C.*, Chen J. Extensional and shear rheology of a food hydrocolloid.  Food Hydrocolloids, 74, 296–306 (2018)

9. Yuan  B.,  Ritzoulis  C.*,  Chen  J.  Extensional  and  shear  rheology  of  okra  hydrocolloid–saliva mixtures. Food Research International, 106, 204–212 (2018)

10. Lousinian S., Mackie A.R., Rigby N.M., Panayiotou C., Ritzoulis C.* Title: Microcalorimetry of the intestinal mucus: Hydrogen bonding and self-assembly of mucin. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 112, 555–560 (2018)

上一条: 叶峰 2020/12/13
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