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( 发布日期:2019/2/21 阅读:次)



1. 胡小雪, 陈建设, 王鑫淼. 食品中脂肪感官机制及测评[J]. 中国食品学报, 2019(已录用)

2. H. Liu, L. Qin, Y. Wu, H.W. van der Glas, J. Chen, X. Wang. 2019. Oral physiological characteristics among Chinese subjects in the eastern region of China. Archives of Oral Biology 108: 104539.

3. L. Mo, J. Chen, X. Wang. 2019. A novel experimental set up for in situ oral lubrication measurements. Food Hydrocolloids 95: 396-405.

4. Glumac, M., X. Wang, J. Chen. 2019. Oral processing of lipids. In Lipid Digestion, Springer (accepted).

5. 陈建设, 王鑫淼.食品口腔加工研究的发展与展望[J]. 中国食品学报, 2018, 9: 1-7.

6. X. Wang, J. Chen. 2018. Food sensory perception influenced by structure and/or food-saliva interactions. Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry. Elsevier, 3: 154-157.

7. X. Wang, A. Demirci, V.M. Puri. 2018. Conventional and emerging CIP methods for on-farm milking systems. In Raw Milk: Balance Between Hazards and Benefits. Elsevier, 91-115.

8. X. Wang, J. Chen. 2017. Food oral processing: Recent developments and challenges. Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science 20(28):22-30.

9. X. Wang, A. Demirci, V.M. Puri. 2016. Electrolyzed oxidizing water for food and equipment decontamination. In Handbook of hygiene control in the food industry, 2nd Edition. Woodhead Publishing: London, 503-520.

10. X. Wang, V.M. Puri. A. Demirci, R.E. Graves. 2015. Mathematical modeling and cycle time reduction of deposit removal from stainless steel pipeline during cleaning-in-place of milking system with electrolyzed oxidizing water. Journal of Food Engineering 170: 144-159.

11. X. Wang, A. Demirci, V.M. Puri. 2014. Biofilms in dairy and dairy processing equipment and control strategies. In Biofilms in the Food Environment, 2nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons: New York, 205-235.



上一条: 牛付阁副教授,硕士生导师 2019/2/21
下一条: 李腾副研究员、硕士生导师 2019/2/21
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