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( 发布日期:2016/11/21 阅读:次)

报告题目:Extraction and functionalization of pea protein and their use in designing fermented products

主 讲 人:Rémi SAUREL

报告时间:2016年11月23日 14:00



  Rémi Saurel,教授,就职于法国勃艮第大学高等农业、食品和环境学院。1993年毕业于蒙彼利埃大学,获得博士学位,曾在多个国际学术组织担任过重要职位,发表了大量的学术论文。目前主要从事于大分子组分的结构、生物聚合物的理化性质、分散相或凝胶态中生物聚合物分子之间的相互作用机制的研究,进一步关注于天然食品中活性分子的保护与释放调控,开发植物蛋白类配方食品。


  Pea protein is a promising ingredient to design innovative food products. A research multidisciplinary approach is proposed to develop their use in food industry: (i) In order to develop good functional properties specific extraction process and heat treatment have been applied; optimization of their emulsifying and gelling properties will be first presented in different case-studies; (ii) Pulses such as soya or pea have characteristic olfactory and taste notes. These organoleptic notes are not a problem when the whole seeds are consumed. On the contrary, the use of protein extracts from these seeds in various food applications is today limited, cause these olfactory notes are then judged as off-flavors. The origin of off-flavors (beany odour and bitter taste) in pulse protein extracts is presented; (iii) Finally we propose to investigate microbiology process and sensory evaluation for food product development: how to fit a new vegetal fermented product to the consumer taste. The role of fermentation and sensory evaluation in the optimization of new plant-based fermented product will be presented.

上一条: 12月8日“五洲讲坛”系列讲座预告 2016/12/5
下一条: 11月3日学术讲座预告 2016/11/2
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