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( 发布日期:2016/12/5 阅读:次)

报告题目:Microbubbles as nanoparticles : Making them and keeping them stable

主 讲 人:Rammile Ettelaie

报告时间:2016128 14:00



  Rammile Ettelaie,副教授,任职于英国利兹大学食品与营养学院,主要从事食品胶体和乳状液领域的研究。1987年在英国曼彻斯特的理论凝聚态物理研究所(Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics)获得博士学位;1987-1989年作为博士后研究科学家在帝国学院(Imperial College)中央电力研究实验室从事博士后研究;1989-1993年和1993-2001年分别在ICI公司胶体科学集团、威尔顿中心任高级研究科学家。2001年起在利兹大学任教,历任食品物理化学的讲师、食品化学物理高级讲师。2013年至今为食品化学物理副教授。Rammile Ettelaie教授曾担任液体及复杂流体物理研究所(IOP)指导委员会2001-2010、英国皇家化学学会胶体与界面科学组1999-2006委员。


      Mirobubbles, bubbles of size - 1 micron, are notoriously difficult to maintain for a long time. Such bubbles will dissolve and disappear rapidly in fractions of second, due to the very high Laplace pressure inside the bubble and migration of gas from inside to the outside occurring as a result. The talk will discuss some of the possible application of these microbubbles, if they could be given long term stability. It then shows how using Hydrophobin (a fungi protein) in combination with more usual emulsifiers (e.g sodium caseinate ) it was possible to stabilise such small bubbles for periods of many months. The mechanisms for such stabilisation are discussed, and difficulties, limitations but also opportunities for particle stabilisation (Pickering stabilisation) of bubbles are highlighted in the light of our new theoretical results. These results in particular show how using the ratio of stabilising particles to the bubbles, it is possible to control not only the size of final bubbles but the degree of bubble size polydispersity.

上一条: 12月14日“百家百科”系列讲座预告 2016/12/8
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