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Research Focus
( 发布日期:2017/11/2 阅读:次)

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The Food Oral Processing Lab at Zhejiang Gongshang University strives to reveal the interactions between consumed food and the human body, together with their physical, physiological and psychological principles, aiming at guiding the food processing and development in the food industries and providing government with scientific support for policy making. Focuses of the group are as follows:

  • 1. Food texture and food properties
  • 2. Food physics and oral physiology during food oral processing and sensory evaluation
  • 3. Psychophysical principles of human sensory cognition
  • 4. Food mastication and swallowing theory
  • 5. Development of elderly special dietary and standards

Food Oral Processing Lab Poster Xinmiao Aug 9, 2017_Page_1.jpg

Food Oral Processing Lab Poster Xinmiao Aug 9, 2017_Page_2.jpg

Food Oral Processing Lab Poster Xinmiao Aug 9, 2017_Page_3.jpg

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