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Doctoral Students
( 发布日期:2017/11/2 阅读:次)

Xia Hu working on the encapsulation of emulsions and flavor release mechanism (huxia1111@126.com)

Miodrag Glumac working on the lipid sensory mechanism (glumac.miodrag@gmail.com)

CV slika.jpgMiodrag Glumac

Project: Human perception of oil/fat, saliva-oil interactions and mechanisms of oil/fat detection. 


Ph. D in Food Science 2016-onwards  

Zhejiang Gongshang University, School of Food Science and Biotechnology, Food Oral Processing Laboratory, Hangzhou, Zhejang Province, People’s Republic of China

M. Sci in Biology
B. Sci with Honour's in Biology Teaching

University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Sciences, Department of Biology and Ecology,
Novi Sad, Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia

Introduction: Previously held a teaching position at medical high-school and have done some microbiological and cancer research. Current research interests are oil/fat perception, emulsions, oil/fat behavior inside the oral cavity. I enjoy sports, movies and traveling.

Telephone number: China +86 132 5081 1656; Europe +381 69 237 6322.

E-mail: glumac.miodrag@gmail.com; glumac1987@yahoo.com.



 Qiong Fu


Project: Oral flocculation of food emulsions and application








Urooj Chaudhry working on the interacting mechanisms of salivary components (uroojchaudhry745@gmail.com)

上一条: Postdoctoral Members 2017/11/2
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