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Joint Research Laboratory with The University of Leeds
( 发布日期:2016/3/29 阅读:次)

A Joint Research Laboratory of Food Oral Processing has just been established between Zhejiang Gongshang University and the University of Leeds (UK). The aim of the joint laboratory is to combine complementary skills and expertise from the two universities and to make best use of research facilities from both sides to deal with scientific problems of eating and sensory perception. The laboratory was jointly revealed on the 28th of March by Prof. Su Weihua, the vice president of ZJGU, and Prof. Mike Morgan, the Head of the School of Food Science and Nutrition, University of Leeds.

The laboratory will be funded by and based at ZJGU. A management team headed by Prof. Jianshe Chen consists of staff from both universities to oversee the directions and strategy of the laboratory. One post-doctoral research fellow will be appointed shortly to the joint laboratory. Joint PhD training programs are also planned for coming years.


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