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Recent News of FOP
( 发布日期:2017/5/25 阅读:次)

A major grant was received from the Ministry of Science and Technology. The grant is part of a key national project on the “Investigation of the underpinning mechanisms of food sensory and preference and the construction of Chinese flavor map”, coming from the 13th Five-Year Key Project Plan of the Ministry.

Dr. Ana Carolina Mosca, has success-fully completed her postdoc work and will soon be taking up a new position at Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR) , The Netherlands.

Our master students, Mr. Zhihong Lv and Ms. Huifang Cai both have been successful in winning scholarships from the China Scholarship Council for the doctoral studies at Wageningen University and Research Centre (WUR), the Netherlands.

Certificate of Recognition from American Speech-Language Hearing Association to Professor Jianshe Chen and other committee members for their Outstanding Contributions in International Achievement presented by the International Dys-phagia Diet Standardization Initiative (IDDSI).

ASAH outstanding award.jpg

上一条: Clinical Application of IDDSI Framework 2017/7/2
下一条: Open Funded Collaboration Project: Chili Perception 2017/4/2
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