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Peer-reviewed Papers 2018
( 发布日期:2017/11/2 阅读:次)

Mosca, A.C., Stieger, M., Neyraud, E., Brignot, H., van de Wiel, A., Chen J. (2018). How are macronutrient intake, ethnicity, age and gender related to the composition of unstimulated saliva? A case study. To be submitted.

Hadde, E.K. & Chen, J. (2018). Shear and extensional rheological characterisation of thickened fluid for dysphagia management. Journal of Food Engineering, submitted.

Upadhyay, R. & Chen, J. (2018). Correlating tribology and sensory studies of O/W model emulsion systems for smoothness perception. Food Hydrocolloids, submitted.

张国庆,黄子琪,王明月,孔俊豪,李余动*,陈建设 (2018) 大学生饮食习惯与唾液微生物多样性关联研究. 食品科学,已投稿。

Lv, C., Yang, N., Wang X. & Chen, J. (2018). A non-invasive method for measuring tongue surface temperature during food oral processing. Journal of Texture Studies, submitted.

Yuan, B., Ritzoulis, C.* & Chen, J. (2018). Extensional and shear rheology of hydrocolloid–saliva mixtures. Food Research International, under review.

Zheng, G., Su, M., Lv, Z. & Chen, J.* (2018). Biting force and tongue muscle strength as an indicator for the eating and swallowing capability of elderly patients. Dyaphagia, under review.

Yang, N., de Souza, C.G., Racioni Goncalves, A. C., Chen, J. & I. Fisk* (2018). Impact of capsaicin on orthonasal and retronasal aroma release. Food Chemistry, under revision.

Yuan, B., Ritzoulis, C.* & Chen, J. (2018). Extensional and shear rheology of a food hydrocolloid. Food Hydrocolloids, 74, 296-306.

Su, M., Zheng, G., Sun, J., Lv. Z. & Chen, J.* (2018). Clinical application of IDDSI framework. Journal of Texture Studies, accepted.

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