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( 发布日期:2017/11/2 阅读:次)


  1. Mishyna, M., Martinez, J.-J. I., Chen, J., & Benjamin, O. (2018). Extraction, characterization and functional properties of soluble proteins from edible grasshopper (Schistocerca gregaria) and honey bee (Apis mellifera). Food Research International. https://doi.org/10.1016/J.FOODRES.2018.08.098

  2. Liu, T., Wang, X., Chen, J. & H. van der Glas* (2018). Determining chewing efficiency using a solid test food and considering all phases of mastication. Archives of Oral Biology, 91, 63-77.

  3. Ahmad, M., Ritzoulis, C. & Chen, J.* (2018). Shear and extensional rheological characterisation of mucin solutions. Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 171, 614-621.

  4. Yuan, B., Ritzoulis, C.* & Chen J. (2018). Extensional and shear rheology of okra polysaccharides in the presence of artificial saliva. npj Science of Food, 20. 

  5. Yuan, B., Ritzoulis, C.* & Chen, J. (2018). Extensional and shear rheology of a food hydrocolloid. Food Hydrocolloids, 74, 296-306.

  6. Yuan, B., Ritzoulis, C.* & Chen, J. (2018). Extensional and shear rheology of okra hydrocolloid-saliva mixtures. Food Research International, 106, 204-212.

  7. Su, M., Zheng, G., Chen, Y., Xie, H., Han, W., Yang, Q., Sun, J., Lv. Z. & Chen, J.* (2018). Clinical application of IDDSI framework for texturere commendation for dysphagia patients . Journal of Texture Studies, 49, 2-10.

  8. 钟磊,吴柳拿,周烈,姚先超,鲁玲,陈建设(2018)吞咽障碍者增稠流体食品流变学研究进展。食品科学391, 313-319.

  9. 陈建设(2018)特殊食品质构标准的口腔生理学和食品物理学依据。中国食品学报18(3), 1-7.

  10. 陈建设 (2018) 食品科学与营养研究如何为新食业赋能? 食品安全与营养, 20182月期,pp.81-86.

  11. 陈建设 (2018) 食品科学与营养研究如何为新食业赋能? 中国食品报2018112日,第2版。

  12. 窦祖林,郭铁成,唐志明,安德烈,陈建设,陈婷,等(2019. 中国吞咽障碍评估与治疗专家共识2:治疗与康复管理篇. 中华物理医学与康复杂志40(1), 1-10.

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