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( 发布日期:2019/9/26 阅读:次)

:  Sam Saguy  教授  耶路撒冷希伯来大学

报告题目Food Science, Technology & Engineering: Challenges, Vision and Strategy Towards 2050  食品科学技术与工程:面向2050年的挑战,远景和战略     





 Sam Saguy 教授,以色列耶路撒冷希伯来大学食品创新与技术荣誉教授,食品工程和生物技术学士和理学硕士,以色列海法以色列理工学院化学工程学士学位。主要研究重点是开放式创新,新产品开发,消费者研究,建模,动力学,保质期,优化,补液,油炸和润湿。具有广泛的学术和工业经验(例如,雀巢,皮尔斯伯里,Molson-Coors)。消费者研究公司(以色列)和创业公司(美国)的创始人和管理助理。IFTIUFoST研究员,欧洲食品工程学会(EFFoST)执行小组成员和CFSIFS认证食品科学家。担任期刊编辑科学委员会(J. Food EngineeringNature Partner JournalnpjFood of FoodIFT Press)。 IUFoSTISEKI食品协会的学院成员。被授予阿根廷科尔多瓦国家科学院(UNC),ICEF学术终身成就奖,ICEF和以色列食品工业协会制造商协会。发表了120多篇期刊论文,编辑3本书,21本书章和6项国际专利。

希伯来大学(The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,以下简称希大)是犹太民族的第一所大学,同时也是犹太民族在其祖先发源地获得文化复兴的象征。希大是以色列最高学府,被称为"中东的哈佛"



Unabated and exponential advances in science, technology and innovation, combined with globalization created mounting significant challenges and opportunities. Four selected challenges are presented: 1. Growing population and aging tsunami; 2. Food safety, waste, global warming, food security and sustainability; 3. Health and wellness (H&W) and personalization; and 4. Digital universe and innovation. To address the mounting challenges and fully seize the opportunities, the domain vision and strategy towards 2050 should be revised and several paradigm shifts are required. These shifts should include symbiosis of a multidisciplinary vision, novel strategy and curricula. The repurposing changes should aim at enhancing science, technology and engineering, augmenting their societal impact, fencing away adjacent domains, and ensuring their purse of breakthroughs and excellence. Moving beyond current framework, the new vision and strategy towards 2050 should embrace both basic and applied research and a proactive role in integrating the digital universe utilizing advanced information and digital tools (e.g., artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, big data, deep learning). Open innovation, start-up mind-set, 4-helix (academia-industry-government-private business) partnerships and collaborations with all the ecosystem stakeholders and adjacent domains (e.g., medicine, computer science, nutrition, biotechnology, life sciences) should be adopted. New business models and consumers partnerships are also essential. The new curricula should also cover evolving topics (IoT, big data, artificial information, machine learning). Promoting novel skills (e.g., creativity, time and people management, interpersonal communication skills, entrepreneurship, active learning with a growth mindset, diversity and cultural intelligence, embracing change) are essential. The 2050 horizon is exceptionally promising, but as we are in the midst of the transformative impact of the fourth industrial revolution, the time is now for embarking on the exciting journey in front of us.


上一条: 食品胶体与软物质论坛会议通知 2019/10/21
下一条: 食品科学与营养学科前沿论坛(第二轮通知) 2019/9/12
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