URL: https://www.wur.nl/en/Research-Results/Chair-groups/Agrotechnology-and-Food-Sciences/Human-Nutrition-and-Health.htm
- MSc Nutrition and Health, Wageningen University, The Netherlands, 1982
- PhD in Sensory Science at Wageningen University, The Netherlands), 1988
- Professor of Sensory Science and Eating Behavior, Chairman, Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University, a division with 5 full professors, 25 fte scientific staff, 80 PhD fellows, 700 BSc and MSc graduates.
- Total number of publications in international refereed scientific journals according to Scopus: > 280, since 2016, 60 papers
- Number of citations according to Scopus (March 2019): > 9900 ; H-index: 55
2015 – now: Chairman of Division of Human Nutrition, Wageningen University
2009 – now: Full chair on Sensory Science and Eating Behavior, Division of Human Nutrition
2011: Sabbatical Leave, Nestle Research Center, Lausanne, Zwitserland
2005-2010: Endowed chair on Eating Behavior on behalf of the Netherlands Nutrition Centre
2000-2004: Consultant on Biomarkers of satiety, TNO Quality of Life
2001-2008: Associate Professor Nutrition Behavior, Division of Human Nutrition
1997: Sabbatical Leave Behavioral Science Section of the US Army R&D Center in Natick MA, USA
1989-2001: Assistant Professor Nutrition Behavior, Division of Human Nutrition
2009 – now: Associate Editor of journal, Food Quality and Preference
2014 – now: Section Editor of Journal, Physiology and Behavior
2000 – now: International Association of Obesity; Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior; International Life Sciences Institute (ILSI)
Original research paper in international scientific journals, 2016 - febr 2019
Oppermann, A.K.L., Piqueras-Fiszman, B., de Graaf, K., Scholten, E. & Stieger, M. Descriptive sensory profiling of double emulsions with gelled and non-gelled inner water phase. Food Research International. 2016 85, p. 215-223
Rogers, P.J., Hogenkamp, P.S., de Graaf, K., Higgs, S., Lluch, A., Ness, A.R., Penfold, C., Perry, R., Putz, P., Yeomans, M.R. & Mela, D.J. Does low-energy sweetener consumption affect energy intake and body weight? A systematic review, including meta-analyses, of the evidence from human and animal studies. International Journal of Obesity 2016 40, 3, p. 381-394
Battjes-Fries, M.C.E., Haveman-Nies, A., van Dongen, E.J.I., Meester, H.J., van den Top, R., de Graaf, C. & van 't Veer, P. Effectiveness of Taste Lessons with and without additional experiential learning activities on children's psychosocial determinants of vegetables consumption. Appetite 2016 105, p. 519-526
Wijlens, A.G.M., de Graaf, K., Erkner, A. & Mars, M. Effects of oral exposure duration and gastric energy content on appetite ratings and energy intake in lean men. Nutrients 2016 8, 2, 64
Camps, G., Mars, M., De Graaf, C. & Smeets, P.A.M. Empty calories and phantom fullness: A randomized trial studying the relative effects of energy density and viscosity on gastric emptying determined by MRI and Satiety. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2016 104, 1, p. 73-80
Zoon, H.F.A., de Graaf, C. & Boesveldt, S. Food Odours Direct Specific Appetite. Foods - Open Access Food Science Journal. 2016 5, 1, 11 p. 12
Silva, A.P., Jager, G., van Bommel, R., van Zyl, H., Voss, H.P., Hogg, T., Pintado, M. & de Graaf, C. Functional or emotional? How Dutch and Portuguese conceptualise beer, wine and non-alcoholic beer consumption. Food Quality and Preference. 2016 49, p. 54-65
He, W., de Wijk, R.A., de Graaf, C. & Boesveldt, S. Implicit and Explicit Measurements of Affective responses to Food Odors. Chemical Senses. 2016 41, 8, p. 661-668
Derks, J.A.M., de Wijk, R.A., de Graaf, K.& Stieger, M. Influence of Stimulus Properties and Sensory Task Instructions on Oral Processing Behavior of Liquid Stimuli. Journal of Texture Studies. 2016 47, 1, p. 49-57
van Rijn, I., Griffioen-Roose, S., de Graaf, C. & Smeets, P.A.M. Neural Processing of Calories in brain reward areas can be modulated by reward sensitivity. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 2016 9, 11 p. 371
den Uijl, L.C., Jager, G. & de Graaf, C. Emotion, olfaction, and age: A comparison of self-reported food- evoked emotion profiles of younger adults, older normosmic adults, and older hyposmic adults. Food Quality and Preference. 2016 48, part A, p. 199-209
van Stokkom, V.L., Teo, P.S., Mars, M., de Graaf, C., van Kooten, O. & Stieger, M.Taste intensities of ten vegetables commonly consumed in the Netherlands. Food Research International 2016 87, p. 34-41
Leng, G., Adan, R.A.H., Belot, M., Brunstrom, J.M., de Graaf, K.& Smeets, P.A.M. The determinants of food choice. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society. 2016 p. 1-12
Nekitsing, C., Madrelle, J., Barends, C., de Graaf, C., Parrott, H., Morgan, S., Weenen, H. & Hetherington, M.M. Application and validation of the Feeding Infants: Behaviour and Facial Expression Coding System (FIBFECS) to assess liking and wanting in infants at the time of complementary feeding. Food Quality and Preference. 1 Mar 2016 48, Part A, p. 228-237
Hetherington, M.M., Madrelle, J., Nekitsing, C., Barends, C., de Graaf, C., Morgan, S., Parrott, H. & Weenen. H. Developing a novel tool to assess liking and wanting in infants at the time ocomplementary feeding - The Feeding Infants: Behaviour and Facial Expression Coding System (FIBFECS). Food Quality and Preference. 1 Mar 2016 48, Part A, p. 238-250
de Wild, V.W.T., de Graaf, K. & Jager, G. Use of Different Vegetable Products to Increase Preschool- Aged Children's Preference for and Intake of a Target Vegetable: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 22 Dec 2016
den Uijl, L.C., Jager, G., de Graaf, K. & Kremer, S. Exploring the functional mealtime associations of older adults through consumer segmentation and a means-end chain approach. Appetite 2016 107, p. 613-622
He, W., Boesveldt, S., de Graaf, C. & de Wijk, R.A. The relation between continuous and discrete emotional responses to food odors with facial expressions and non-verbal reports. Food Quality and Preference 2016 48, part A, p. 130-137
den Uijl, L.C., Jager, G. & de Graaf, C. Emotion, olfaction, and age: A comparison of self-reported food- evoked emotion profiles of younger adults, older normosmic adults, and older hyposmic adults.Food Quality and Preference. 2016 48, part A, p.199-209
Battjes-Fries, M.C.E., Haveman-Nies, A., Zeinstra, G.G., van Dongen, E.J.L., Meester, H.J., van den Top, R., van 't Veer, P. & de Graaf, C. Effectiveness of Taste Lessons with and without additional experiential learning activities on children's willingness to taste vegetables. Appetite. 109, p. 201-208
van Rijn, I., Wegman, J., Aarts, E., de Graaf, K. & Smeets, P.A.M. Health interest modulates brain reward responses to a perceived low-caloric beverage in females. Health Psychology. 2017 36, 1, p.65-
He, W., Boesveldt, S., Delplanque, S., De Graaf, C.& De Wijk, R.A.Sensory-specific satiety: Added insights from autonomic nervous system responses and facial expressions. Physiology and Behavior. 2017 170, p. 12-18
van Langeveld, A.W.B., Gibbons, S., Koelliker, Y., Civille, G.V., de Vries, J.H.M., de Graaf, C. & Mars, M. The relationship between taste and nutrient content in commercially available foods from the United States. Food Quality and Preference. 2017 57, p. 1-7
Boesveldt S., de Graaf K., The differential role of smell and taste for eating behavior. Perception Volume 46, Issue 3-4, 2017, Pages 307-319
de Bruijn, S.E.M., de Vries, Y.C., de Graaf, K., Boesveldt, S. & Jager, G. The reliability and validity of the Macronutrient and Taste Preference Ranking Task: A new method to measure food preferences. Food Quality and Preference. 2017 57, p. 32-40
Poelman, A.A.M., Delahunty, C.M. & de Graaf, K. Vegetables and other core food groups: A comparison of key flavour and texture properties. Food Quality and Preference. 2017 56, Part A, p. 1-7
Silva, A.P., Jager, G., Voss, H.P., van Zyl, H., Hogg, T., Pintado, M. & de Graaf, K. What's in a name? The effect of congruent and incongruent product names on liking and emotions when consuming beer or non-alcoholic beer in a bar. Food Quality and Preference. 2017 55, p. 58-66
Tijssen, I.O.J.M., Zandstra, E.H., de Graaf, C. & Jager, G. Why a ‘light’ product package should not be light blue: Effects of package colour on perceived healthiness and attractiveness of sugar- and fat- reduced products. Food Quality and Preference. 3 Feb 2017
Silva A.P., Jager G., Van Zyl H., Voss H.P., Pintado M., Hogg T., de Graaf C. Cheers, proost, saúde: cultural, contextual and psychological factors of wine and beer consumption in Portugal and in the Netherlands. Critical reviews in food science and nutrition. 2017 May 3;57(7):1340-9
Oppermann, A.K.L., de Graaf, C., Scholten, E., Stieger, M.A. & Piqueras Fiszman, B. Comparison of Rate-All- That-Apply (RATA) and Descriptive sensory Analysis (DA) of model double emulsions with subtle perceptual differences. Food Quality and Preference. 2017 56, p. 55-68
den Uijl, L.C., Jager, G., Zandstra, E.H., de Graaf, K. & Kremer, S. Applying mealtime functionality to tailor protein-enriched meals to older consumer segments. Food Quality and Preference. 2017 56, part A, p. 28-37
Camps G., Mars M., de Graaf C., Smeets P.A. A tale of gastric layering and sieving: Gastric emptying of a liquid meal with water blended in or consumed separately. Physiology & behavior. 2017 Jul 1;176:26-30
Proserpio C., de Graaf C., Laureati M., Pagliarini E., Boesveldt S. Impact of ambient odors on food intake, saliva production and appetite ratings. Physiology & behavior. 2017 May 15;174:35-41
Van Den Boer J, Werts M., Siebelink E., De Graaf C., Mars M. The availability of slow and fast calories in the Dutch diet: The current situation and opportunities for interventions. Foods. 2017 Oct 2;6(10):87
Tijssen I., Zandstra E.H., de Graaf C., Jager G. Why a ‘light’product package should not be light blue: Effects of package colour on perceived healthiness and attractiveness of sugar-and fat-reduced products. Food quality and preference. 2017 Jul 1;59:46-58
Lasschuijt MP, Mars M, Stieger M, Miguel-Kergoat S, de Graaf C, Smeets PAM.Comparison of oro-sensory exposure duration and intensity manipulations on satiation. Physiology & Behavior 2017, 176: 76-83
Zoon H.F., de Bruijn S.E., Smeets P.A., de Graaf C., Janssen I.M., Schijns W., Aarts E.O., Jager G., Boesveldt S. Altered neural responsivity to food cues in relation to food preferences, but not appetite-related hormone concentrations after RYGB-surgery. Behavioural brain research. 2018 Nov 1;353:194-202
Teo P.S., van Langeveld A.W., Pol K., Siebelink E., de Graaf C., Martin C., Issanchou S., Yan S.W., Mars M. Training of Dutch and Malaysian sensory panel to assess intensities of basic tastes and fat sensation of commonly consumed foods. Food Quality and Preference. 2018 Apr 1;65:49-59
Lasschuijt M.P., Mars M., de Graaf C., Smeets P.A. Exacting responses: lack of endocrine cephalic Phase responses Upon Oro-sensory exposure. Frontiers in endocrinology. 2018;9:332
Pol K., de Graaf C., Meyer D., Mars M. The efficacy of daily snack replacement with oligofructose-enriched granola bars in overweight and obese adults: a 12-week randomised controlled trial. British Journal of Nutrition. 2018 May;119(9):1076-86
Silva A.P., Voss H.P., van Zyl H., Hogg T., de Graaf C., Pintado M., Jager G. Temporal dominance of sensations, emotions, and temporal liking measured in a bar for two similar wines using a multi‐sip approach. Journal of Sensory Studies. 2018 Oct;33(5):e12459.
van Rijn I., de Graaf C., Smeets P.A. It’s in the eye of the beholder: selective attention to drink properties during tasting influences brain activation in gustatory and reward regions. Brain imaging and behavior. 2018 Apr 1;12(2):425-36
van Langeveld A.W., Teo P.S., de Vries J.H., Feskens E.J., de Graaf C., Mars M. Dietary taste patterns by sex and weight status in the Netherlands. British Journal of Nutrition. 2018 May;119(10):1195-206.
Wittekind A., Higgins K., McGale L., Schwartz C., Stamataki N.S., Beauchamp G.K., Bonnema A., Dussort P., Gibson S., de Graaf C., Halford J.C. A workshop on ‘Dietary sweetness—Is it an issue?’. International Journal of Obesity ; 2017 Dec 6
Camps G., Veit R., Mars M., de Graaf C., Smeets P.A. Just add water: Effects of added gastric distention by water on gastric emptying and satiety related brain activity. Appetite. 2018 Aug 1;127:195-202
Appleton K.M., Tuorila H., Bertenshaw E.J., de Graaf C., Mela D.J. Sweet taste exposure and the subsequent acceptance and preference for sweet taste in the diet: systematic review of the published literature. The American journal of clinical nutrition. 2018 Mar 1;107(3):405-19
Reichert J.L., Postma E.M., Smeets P.A., Boek W.M., de Graaf K., Schöpf V., Boesveldt S. Severity of olfactory deficits is reflected in functional brain networks—An fMRI study. Human brain mapping. 2018 Aug;39(8):3166-77
Krüsemann E.J., Lasschuijt M.P., de Graaf C., de Wijk R.A., Punter P.H., van Tiel L., Cremers J.W., van de Nobelen S., Boesveldt S., Talhout R. Sensory analysis of characterising flavours: evaluating tobacco product odours using an expert panel. Tobacco control. 2018 May 19
de Vries Y.C., Boesveldt S., Kelfkens C.S., Posthuma E.E., van Den Berg M.M., de Kruif J.T., Haringhuizen A., Sommeijer D.W., Buist N., Grosfeld S., de Graaf C. Taste and smell perception and quality of life during and after systemic therapy for breast cancer. Breast cancer research and treatment. 2018 Feb 23:1-8
de Vries Y.C., Winkels R.M., Van den Berg M.M., de Graaf C., Kelfkens C.S., de Kruif J.T., Göker E., Grosfeld S., Sommeijer DW, Van Laarhoven HW, Kampman E. Altered food preferences and chemosensory perception during chemotherapy in breast cancer patients: a longitudinal comparison with healthy controls. Food quality and preference. 2018 Jan 1;63:135-43
van Stokkom V.L., Blok A.E., van Kooten O., de Graaf C., Stieger M. The role of smell, taste, flavour and texture cues in the identification of vegetables. Appetite. 2018 Feb 1;121:69-76
van Stokkom V.L., Poelman A.A., de Graaf C., van Kooten O., Stieger M. Sweetness but not sourness enhancement increases acceptance of cucumber and green capsicum purees in children. Appetite. 2018 Dec 1;131:100-7
Zoon HFA, Ohla K, de Graaf C, Boesveldt S.Modulation of event-related potentials to food cues upon sensory-specific satiety. Physiology and Behavior 2018, 196: 126-134.
van Stokkom V.L., de Graaf C., van Kooten O., Stieger M. Effect of taste enhancement on consumer Acceptance of pureed cucumber and green capsicum. Journal of food science. 2018 Oct;83(10):2578-85
Silva A.P., Voss H.P., van Zyl H., Hogg T., de Graaf C., Pintado M., Jager G. Effect of adding Hop aroma in beer analysed by temporal dominance of sensations and emotions coupled with temporal liking. Food Quality and Preference. 2019 Feb 11
Ketel E.C., Aguayo-Mendoza M.G., de Wijk R.A., de Graaf C., Piqueras-Fiszman B., Stieger M. Age, gender, ethnicity and eating capability influence oral processing behaviour of liquid, semi-solid and solid foods differently. Food Research International. 2019 Jan 22
van Stokkom V.L., de Graaf C., Wang S., van Kooten O., Stieger M. Combinations of vegetables can be more accepted than individual vegetables. Food Quality and Preference. 2019 Mar 1;72:147-58
van Langeveld A.W., Teo P.S., Mars M., Feskens E.J., de Graaf C., de Vries J.H. Evaluation of dietary taste patterns as assessed by FFQ against 24-h recalls and biomarkers of exposure. European journal of clinical nutrition. 2019 Jan;73(1):132
De Vries YC, Boesveldt S, Kampman E, de Graaf C, Winkels RM, van Laarhoven HW. Low reported taste function is associated with low preference for high protein products in advanced oesophagogastric cancer patients undergoing palliative chemotherapy. Clinical Nutrition. 2019.
Smeets PAM, de Graaf C. Brain Responses to Anticipation and Consumption of Beer with and without Alcohol. Chemical Senses 2019; 44: 51-60