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( 发布日期:2021/6/21 阅读:次)


讲座题目:Advanced Food Science Approaches to Tackle Global Food Challenges: COVID, Global Warming, Population Growth, and Health

主讲人(一) David Julian McClements


主讲人(二) 陈建设




主讲人(一)简介: David Julian McClements是美国马萨诸塞大学食品科学系的教授。McClements博士于1989年在英国利兹大学获得Philosophy in Food Science博士学位。随后,他在利兹大学、加州大学戴维斯分校和爱尔兰科克大学学院进行了博士后研究。在同行评审期刊上发表了950多篇科学论文(h-index 90)12项专利,以及许多章节和会议记录。曾获得美国化学学会、美国石油化学家学会、英国化学工业学会、食品技术学会和马萨诸塞大学颁发的奖项,以表彰他的科学成就。他的研究得到了美国农业部、国家科学基金会、美国商务部、美国宇航局和食品工业的资助。在马萨诸塞州立大学工作期间,他以PIco-PI的身份获得了超过1150万美元的资金。他是许多期刊的编辑委员会成员,并在食品胶体、乳剂和输送系统领域组织过研讨会、座谈会和国际会议。


讲座摘要:This presentation highlights some of the approaches that modern science is using to tackle global food-related challenges, including COVID, global warming, population growth, and diet-related chronic diseases.  Technological innovations such as food architecture, robotics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, advanced diagnostics, nanotechnology, biotechnology, gene editing, vertical farming, alternative proteins, and soft matter physics are all being utilized for this purpose.  Many of these technologies are being applied across the food chain, from farmers to distributors to manufacturers to consumers, so as to improve the quality, nutrition, safety, and sustainability of the global food supply.  In the case of coronavirus, automation of food production and distribution chains can reduce disease transmission by enabling social distancing and reducing face-to-face contact.  Moreover, certain combinations of nutraceuticals are being promoted for their ability to strengthen the immune system, thereby improving resistance to the virus.  In the case of global warming and population growth, the transition to a more plant-based diet would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, land use, water use, pollution, and biodiversity loss, thereby providing more food without causing as much damage to the environment.  Moreover, genetic engineering and nanotechnology may be able to increase yields, raise resilience, and reduce losses of agricultural crops.  


上一条: 浙江工商大学食品学院暑期线上公开课开课通知 2021/7/20
下一条: 6月24日学术讲座预告 2021/6/21
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