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( 发布日期:2024/11/26 阅读:次)

报告题目:Plant polyphenols in modulating muscle food quality and safety


熊幼翎  教授   美国肯塔基大学




熊幼翎,美国肯塔基大学Gatton基金教授,动物与食品科学系科研部主任,美国食品科学协会(IFT)肉品科学分会前任主席,教学食品化学和蛋白质功能学。研究专注于健康食品生产中的蛋白质功能,利用多种物理化学和酶方法促进蛋白溶解、油水界面活性和结构形成特性。发表SCI研究论文350篇,被引次数29,215,h指数93,Web of Science和斯坦福学者排名全球前1%。

熊教授在国际学术会议作大会特邀发言130余次,组织国际学术会议40余次,获瑞典皇家农林科学院Bertebos奖(被誉为“农业诺贝尔奖”)、美国肉品科学协会(AMSA)“杰出成就奖”、AMSA“杰出研究奖”、肯塔基大学“杰出研究奖”等多项奖项。当选IFT、美国化学学会农业食品化学部(ACS-AGED)、国际食品科学院(IUFoST)和AMSA会士。曾担任Journal of Food Science期刊科学编辑,目前担任Food Bioscience期刊副主编、Food Science of Animal Products期刊高级主编。


Polyphenol-rich herbs and spices are common food ingredients added in meat and poultry processing to modify the product flavor. When extracted plant phenolic compounds are mixed into minced muscle, their roles are beyond flavor and scavenging free radicals; they are found to modify the product texture through interaction with myosin or actomyosin. The ability of polyphenols to modulate gelation and emulsification of muscle protein, especially under oxidative conditions, explains their dose-dependent role in affecting the textural attributes of processed poultry and meat. Moreover, certain plant phenols can act as inhibitors again aromatic chemical hazards produced in meat processing. The texture-modifying and toxin-mitigating activity of plant phenolic compounds in muscle foods underscores their multi-functionality nature for healthy food production.

上一条: 11月29日“百家讲坛”预告 2024/11/26
下一条: 11月15日学术讲座预告 2024/11/12
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