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( 发布日期:2017/4/13 阅读:次)

报告题目Application of Tribology in Milk and Milk products

主 讲 人:Sangeeta Prakash  副教授

报告时间:2017417 14:00



   Sangeeta Prakash,昆士兰大学副教授,主要从事食品加工、食品口腔加工及食品3D打印技术的研究。Prakash博士是一位澳大利亚食品摩擦学分析领域杰出的研究人员,并担任部分澳大利亚食品工业领域的顾问。摩擦学是口腔加工的新兴领域,她主要利用摩擦计和流变仪了解食品在口腔的加工过程及仪器特性。目前已发表30余篇文章,包括一本书的篇章。


       Intricate oral processing of food involves a series of processes—ingestion, mastication and finally swallowing. Oral texture and mouthfeel is one of the most important quality attributes that contribute to consumers’ acceptance and preference of a food product. Cognitive representation of food texture and mouthfeel by oral processing are believed to be governed by the flow and lubrication properties of food during the complex process of squeezing and rubbing between the teeth, tongue and palate and its interaction with saliva. The mechanical and rheological properties have been widely applied to understand and describe in-mouth flow properties of a food and associated sensory perception. Texture perception of a solid food is related to the food breaking process by biting and chewing that can be measured using a texture analyser. For fluid-type food materials, texture perception is dominated by their flow and lubricating properties during mastication in the mouth that is measured using a rheometer. However, as the oral processing continues and food particle size reduces, rheology alone is no longer effective as the lubrication behaviour between oral surfaces becomes a dominating mechanism in relation to food texture and mouthfeel. A tribology device can not only perform screening of newly developed food products but also identify ingredients that provide desirable mouthfeel sensation. This presentation will highlight different aspects of tribology including applications to various food products and future opportunities to realistically assess the physical and sensory properties of food.

上一条: 4月17日“五洲讲坛”系列讲座预告 2017/4/13
下一条: 4月16日“五洲讲坛”系列讲座预告 2017/4/13
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