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( 发布日期:2019/2/21 阅读:次)

     陈忠秀,女,1970年12月生,教授,博士生导师。中国科技大学化学博士学位。美国University of Minnesota和Texas Tech University博士后。


    以第一作者或通讯作者在《The Journal of Physical Chemistry B》、《Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry》、《Food Chemistry》、 《Journal of Colloid and Interface Science》、《Journal of Organic Chemistry》、《Tetrahedron》等国际知名期刊上发表论文多篇。













(1) Synergistic interaction between exogenous and endogenous emulsifiers and its impact on in vitro digestion of lipid in crowded medium. Food Chemistry, 2019, 299, 125164.

(2) Improved hydrolysis of α-tocopherol acetate emulsion and its bioaccessibility in the presence of polysaccharides and PEG2000. Colloids and Surfaces A, 2019, 581, 123837.

(3) Catalytic behavior of pancreatic lipase in crowded medium for hydrolysis of medium-chain and long-chain lipid: An isothermal titration calorimetry study. Thermochimica Acta, 2019, 672, 70–78.

(4) Difference in Binding of Long- and Medium-Chain Fatty Acids with Serum Albumin: The Role of Macromolecular Crowding Effect. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2018, 66 (5), 1242–1250.

(5) Thermodynamics and Structural Evolution during a Reversible Vesicle–Micelle Transition of a Vitamin-Derived Bolaamphiphile Induced by Sodium Cholate. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2016, 64 (9), 1977-1988.

(6) Phase Transition of Phospholipid Vesicles Induced by Fatty Acids in Macromolecular Crowding: a Differential Scanning Calorimetry Study. Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2016, 32(8), 2027-2038.

(7) Chain-Length-Dependent Autocatalytic Hydrolysis of Fatty Acid Anhydrides in Polyethylene Glycol. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2014, 118, 3461−3468

(8) Influence of Carboxymethyl Cellulose and Sodium Alginate on Sweetness Intensity of Aspartame. Food Chemistry, 2014, 164, 278-285.

(9) Controllable Self-Assembly of Sodium Caseinate with a Zwitterionic Vitamin-Derived Bolaamphiphile. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 2013, 61, 10582−10589.

(10) Thermodynamics of the enantiomers of amino acid and monosaccharide binding to fullerenol used as an artificial sweet taste receptor model. Food Chemistry, 2013, 141, 3110-3117.

(11) Realization of the Reversible Vesicle−Micelle Transition of Vitamin-Derived Bolaamphiphiles by Heat Change Monitoring. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2012, 116, 12372-12380.  

(12) Molecular Recognition of Melamine by Vesicles Spontaneously Formed from Orotic Acid Derived Bolaamphiphiles. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2011, 115, 1798-1806.


      Email:  zhxchen@zjgsu.edu.cn

上一条: 周涛教授,博士生导师 2019/2/21
下一条: 王奎武研究员,博士生导师 2019/2/21
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