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( 发布日期:2015/3/5 阅读:次)

讲座题目: Hydrocolloids from Natural Sources: Compositional and Structural Aspects, Gastro-

                     Intestinal Interactions, Thermodynamics and Practical Applications.


主 讲 人: Christos Ritzoulis   希腊亚里士多德大学食品学院副教授

讲座时间:2015年3月11日   13:30-15:30



       Our recent progress on the extraction, characterization and utilization of hydrocolloids from natural sources including okra, orchid roots, quince seed, grape, winery waste, olive and olive -mill waste is presented. The identification of the macromolecular populations comprising these extracts is used as to construct an overall image of the migration of macromolecules from a solid matrix (i.e. a vegetable) to an aqueous phase (process water, broth, sauce, saliva) during processing, cooking or mastication. The behavior of these biomacromolecules in their new,aqueous environment is discussed with a specific focus on the interactions between the food -derived macromolecules and the gastrointestinal mucins, and the fate of such collo idal entities in the oral/gastrointestinal (GI) tract using in vitro models. The adsorption of thesemacromolecular populations (i) at the oil–water  interfaces of emulsions or (ii) at the liquid -gel interfaces of the GI mucus layers is discussed. These hyd rocolloid materials have very interesting properties towards emulsification, emulsion stabilization, viscosity tuning and gelation, putatively applicable to food, cosmetic or biomedical applications. The preparation and properties of novel biomaterials (bone regeneration scaffolds) from such low-price natural materials, including their formulation protocols and properties, is also presented and discussed.


      Christos Ritzoulis,食品化学专业副教授,现任职于希腊亚里士多德大学食品学院食品科技系。2001年获得英国利兹大学食品科学博士学位。主要研究方向为:食品胶体,隔离/天然亲水胶体特性,乳液,液变学/食品的质构,胶体食品的咀嚼和消化,热力学胶体,油-水界面。

上一条: 3月25日学术讲座预告 2015/3/18
下一条: 1月13日“百家百科”系列讲座预告 2015/1/9
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