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( 发布日期:2017/12/14 阅读:次)

报告题目:Variation of plant polyphenols in food influence effective suppression of life style disease

 Hirotoshi Tamura (田村啓敏)  日本国立香川大学  教授








Human body starts aging of living cells after new baby comes down in this world. The aging of our body may be happened by the oxidation process of the tissues and cells. Some extraordinary oxidations of our body form inflammation of cells and mutation of DNA sequence to generate various diseases.

Primarily, diets are essential for our healthy life as basic energy consumption and for doing more active exercises. However, diets may partly contribute to reduction and oxidation of our bodies. Plant polyphenols are representative phytochemicals, contributing to reduction of our bodies by oxidation of the phenolic hydroxyl groups. So, isolation, understand of effective functions are very valuable for your healthy life. In this seminar, I would like to introduce the isolation techniques and physiological functions of polyphenols isolated from nature, especially from food ingredients.


上一条: 12月26日“五洲讲坛”系列讲座预告 2017/12/14
下一条: 11月30日学术讲座预告 2017/11/28
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