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( 发布日期:2022/11/22 阅读:次)

报告题目Hydrocolloids and physicochemical basis in food oral processing

主    Katsuyoshi Nishinari教授   湖北工业大学




Katsuyoshi Nishinari教授,博士生导师,日本东京大学物理化学专业理学博士。2012年受聘湖北工业大学菲利普斯亲水胶体研究中心外籍特聘教授(全职),兼任大阪市立大学名誉教授,英国格林威大学访问教授。近年来发表300多篇原创性文章,100多篇评论性文章,出版著作10余部,入选高被引学者。主办或参加多次物理化学、流变学、高分子等领域的国际会议,在国际生物大分子胶体研究、食品质构研究等领域享有国际声誉。


With increasing number of elderly persons, the number of disadvantaged persons with difficulty in mastication and swallowing is increasing rapidly. This lowers the quality of life and brings a difficulty in national finance. While malignant neoplasm, tumor, heart disease, cerebrovascular disease, aging are the top causes of the death, aspiration pneumonia is reported to be more important for the elderly. Although it is known that the thickening of fluids reduces the prevalence of aspiration, it is also known that excessive thickening damages the palatability, and causes the dehydration and malnutrition, and may form residues at the epiglottis or pyriform sinus, which subsequently may cause the aspiration. Therefore, the thickening should be optimized. In addition to the viscosity, the cohesiveness has been recognized as an important characteristic for safe swallowing. How to produce diverse foods which are palatable and safe at low cost taking into account of the sustainability is not a simple question. Finding or creating new texture modifiers will help food industry to improve and widen the recipe. Improving the processing and cooking method are also useful to realise the palatable and healthy foods. Some taste and aroma have been found to shorten the latent time of swallowing reflex, and since it is well known that these chemical senses are influenced by the texture, it is important to understand the relation between the texture and flavour release.

Texture scientists tend to study only the rheological and tribological aspects of model foods while researchers of chemical senses tend to study only model liquid foods neglecting the effects of texture. These different disciplines should interact more, and rheologists and hydrocolloid scientists must collaborate with other disciplines, dental science, oral physiology, nutrition, pharmacy, brain science, psychology, speech therapy, nurses, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, to resolve the complex problems of safe mastication and swallowing.

Scientific knowledge gained for the dysphagia should be useful to develop further safe, palatable and healthy foods for all the generations although the physiological mechanisms of choking in babies and aspiration in the elderly are different.






上一条: 成为一名成功的食品科学家 ── 国际著名食品科学家David Julian McClements公开线上访谈报名通知 2022/11/24
下一条: 11月10日学术讲座预告 2022/11/9
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