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( 发布日期:2024/4/12 阅读:次)

报告题目:Effect of Gastric Structuring on the Digestion Behaviour of Soymilk

 Peter Wilde 教授  Quadram Institute Bioscience, Norwich, UK

报告时间:2024年4月17日(周三)  13:30-14:30



Wilde教授于2000年获得东英吉利亚大学蛋白质界面科学博士学位,现任英国Quadram研究所(前身“英国国立食品研究所”)教授,担任食品与健康部主任,兼任东英吉利亚大学药学院教授,英国皇家化学会食品部成员。Wilde教授从事食品结构的物理化学性质研究超过30年,主要包括蛋白质和乳化剂的表面化学性质、食品微结构的体外消化行为及其对人体健康影响、以及食品结构对营养素释放和吸收的调控机制,研究成果和相关技术为如何提高膳食脂肪的营养价值提供了解决方案,同时通过建立脂肪消化和吸收的关键界面和胶体机制,开创性地为肥胖症、糖尿病及相关代谢疾病患者的合理健康膳食设计提供指导性方案。Wilde教授目前为Food HydrocolloidsColloids and Interfaces杂志编委,近5年的科研总经费约225万英镑,已发表学术论文160余篇,H-index45,其中4篇被引次数超过了200次,2项国际发明专利,在国际学术会议作了超过20场专题报告。


Understanding the extent and kinetics of protein digestion is important for a number of health reasons including muscle building, preventing muscle loss in the elderly, tissue recovery and repair as well as a whole range of metabolic processes. The digestion of dairy proteins is interesting because the kinetics of digestion and uptake are not controlled directly by protein molecular structure, but by the gelling properties in the stomach. I will describe the basic principles underpinning this phenomena, which was investigated using in vitro digestion models. This work was then developed further to investigate whether similar phenomena occurred in soymilk. We found that as the pH in the gastric phase reduced, similar gel particles were observed, which slowed protein digestion and gastric emptying. Furthermore, non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs) are usually used as a thickener/stabilizer to help stabilise soymilk systems. Although NSPs are not digestible, they may impact the physicochemical behavior of gastric digestion. Various types of NSPs (anionic and neutral) with different molecular weights, including alginates, pectin, and guar gum, were incorporated. Soy proteins aggregated and formed large gel structures in the gastric vessel. The addition of NSPs led to fragmented structures, which emptied earlier. The Mw of polysaccharides, irrespective of their surface charge, significantly influenced the protein emptying rate by interfering with the growth of protein aggregates. In addition, we investigated the effect of fortifying the soymilk with calcium and studied the impact on gel formation and digestion. This work shows how nutrient delivery rates of protein-stabilized emulsions can be controlled through the rational addition of NSPs with different physicochemical properties.


上一条: 5月30日“百家讲坛”预告 2024/5/28
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