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( 发布日期:2025/3/19 阅读:次)

报告题目Food structure: processing and nutritional impact

主讲人:Pete Wilde 教授,英国Norwich Quadram生物科学研究所

报告时间:2025321日 上午1000




Pete Wilde 教授曾任英国Quadram研究所(前身“英国国立食品研究所”)教授,担任食品与健康部主任。从事食品结构的物理化学性质研究超过30年,主要包括食品微结构的体外消化行为及其对人体健康影响、以及食品结构对营养素释放和吸收的调控机制等,已发表学术论文160余篇,H-index为51,其中5篇被引次数超过了200次,取得2项国际发明专利,在国际学术会议作了超过20场专题报告。


Our diets have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing, particularly on the incidence of non-communicable diseases such as obesity, diabetes, cardio-vascular disease and some types of cancer. The prevalence of these conditions is increasing globally and strongly linked to unhealthy diets and lifestyles, particularly to the consumption of processed foods.

Traditionally the link between food, diet and health has been based on the nutrient and energy content of the food we eat. However, over recent years the impact of food structure and texture has been increasing associated with excess energy intake, weight gain and associated metabolic disorders.

This lecture will briefly describe some of the mechanisms thought to link food structure, nutrition and health. There are two main impacts of food structure on our nutritional status: Consumption and Digestion. Firstly, food texture influences how quickly we consume or eat food. Softer foods are eaten more quickly, and so the rate of intake of energy and nutrients will be higher, which has links to weight gain and obesity. Secondly, food structure can influence the rate and extent of digestion and absorption of nutrients and energy. Complex food structures like unrefined plant tissues are more difficult to digest and lead to a slower absorption rate which reduces appetite and prolongs satiety. I will give further details of these mechanisms and give some examples of how we can influence health by controlling the structure and texture of our food.

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