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( 发布日期:2017/11/1 阅读:次)

报告题目:Sensory Science: A Role in Food Education and Beyond  

 Herbert Stone 美国食品科技学会前主席、感官评价资深顾问   




报告人简介:Herbert Stone 博士。Herbert Stone博士曾担任Institute of Food Technologists IFT)主席、董事会主席,感观和消费服务部联合创始人兼前任主席;斯坦福大学研究所(SRI)食品和农业科学系主任;Tragon股份有限公司总裁。Herbert Stone先后获得马萨诸塞大学食品科学和技术专业的学士和硕士学位,加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校的营养学博士学位。Herbert Stone博士曾发表过150余篇学术论文和书籍章节, 2012年受邀合著第四版《感观评定实践》。Herbert Stone博士是《食品科学》期刊(感观评价和质量部分)科技编辑,中国《全球食品产业》及其他多家出版物编委会成员。2006年,Herbert Stone博士荣获斯坦福大学戴维斯分校荣誉校友称号;2010年,获得美国材料与实验协会(ASTMDavid R. Peryam感观评定奖章;2014年,荣获感官和消费者科学成就奖。Herbert Stone博士还担任加利福尼亚大学戴维斯分校食品科学系领导委员会主席,马萨诸塞大学食品科学和技术咨询委员会成员。


报告摘要:What is sensory evaluation and why it is important to food science education, to food scientists who develop products and finally, the consumers who purchase those products? To answer these questions, I will describe how we use the science to measure and understand consumer behavior to provide them with products that best satisfy their expectations. Sensory evaluation is a science that measures, analyzes, and interprets the reactions of people to products, as perceived by the senses of sight, sound, smell, taste and touch. It is a people science. Sensory information can be linked with a product’s physical and chemical properties, with process variables, with preferences, emotions and other consumer criteria.


上一条: 11月20日学术报告预告 2017/11/19
下一条: 食品工业论坛会议通知(第三轮) 2017/10/21
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